Ontem ensinei o phrasal verb “tell off” (dar uma bronca). Esse phrasal verb é usado tanto por britânicos como por americanos. Hoje vou ensinar um outro phrasal verb usado principalmente pelos americanos para se dizer “dar uma bronca”.

[note class=”cd”]Para adquirir todos os arquivos de áudio de 2015 e 2016, CLIQUE AQUI


Frases no mini podcast de hoje:

I chewed my son out for not cleaning his room.
The teacher gave me a chewing out for not doing my homework.
I got chewed out by my doctor for gaining too much weight.
My son got a chewing out for not cleaning his room.
I chewed my student out. (ou) I gave my student a chewing out.


Are you enjoying the tips? Please say hello below – or else [se não] I will give you a chewing out! [vou lhe dar uma bronca!]

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