You are in the bathroom… happily reading a comic book [gibi]… when you look to the side… and you notice that… ACABOU O PAPEL! How would you say ‘acabou o papel’ in English? Let’s talk about that in our mini-podcast today.

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Frases no mini podcast de hoje:

Today there isn’t going to be a mini-podcast, because I am out of ideas. (Just kidding! 🙂 )
The paper finished.
I am finished. / I am done.
We are out of paper. Someone help me!
I am full of ideas for this mini-podcast.
We are out of sugar.
I was going to print out this lesson; but we are out of paper.
We are out of gas. / I am out of gas. / My car is out of gas.
I would go to the restaurant this evening; but I am out of money.
We are out of time.
But you have time to participate on our site!

Link do curso Inglês Todos os Dias ESPECIAL: Present Perfect em 14 Dias:




Agora vamos praticar (no setor de comentários abaixo)! Complete a frase:

I am out of ____________ .

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