Every Halloween, Jimmy Kimmel asks parents to tell their kids they ate all their Halloween candy and record their wide-eyed reactions. It’s a little cruel, but many of their reactions are hilarious. Some kids don’t ‘cair nessa’, though. Check out the video, then listen to our mini-podcast today and learn how to say ‘cair nessa’ in English.

Cada Halloween, Jimmy Kimmel pede que pais digam para seus filhos que eles comeram todos seus doces de Halloween, e registrem suas reações de olhos arregalados. É um pouco cruel, mas muitas de suas reações são hilariantes. No entanto, algumas crianças não ‘caem nessa’. Confira o vídeo e depois ouça o mini-podcast de hoje e aprenda a dizer ‘cair nessa’ em inglês.


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Frases no mini podcast de hoje:


The parents were pretending to have eaten all their Halloween candy.

Sorry, we are not falling for it.


fall for something

fall for a lie

I fell for it.

I didn’t fall for it.

We are not falling for it.

My wife told me she was expecting a baby; but I didn’t fall for it.

My sister said she was expecting a baby – and it was for real!


Vídeo Mencionado


Outro mini-podcast onde usamos esta expressão

Inglês Todos os Dias #26: Como dizer ‘cair nessa’ em inglês






Let’s practice the expression!

Escreva sobre alguma vez que você “não caiu nessa”, assim: ______(Sentence)____________ but I didn’t fall for it.


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