Pare de enrolar – e ouça o mini-podcast de hoje para aprender a dizer ‘pare de enrolar’ em inglês!

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Frases no mini podcast de hoje:

Stop beating around the bush and tell me how much time you spend studying English every day!

three-day weekend / long weekend

Don’t beat around the bush.

Stop beating around the bush.

get to the point

What’s your point?

Stop beating around the bush and tell me what’s going on.

Stop beating around the bush and tell me what your complaint is!

Stop beating around the bush and tell me who ate the chocolate chip cookies!

Quit beating around the bush and tell me what you really think about my idea.

Quit beating around the bush and say what’s on your mind.

Stop beating around the bush and practice this sentence on our site!
Outras formas de dizer “enrolar” em inglês:

Inglês Todos os Dias #62: Como se diz ‘pare de enrolar’ em inglês [phrasal verb]


Link do curso Inglês Todos os Dias ESPECIAL: Present Perfect em 14 Dias:




Complete the following sentence in the comments section below: 

Stop beating around the bush and tell me __________________ .

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