Você está dormindo? Acorde! [Wake up!] e aprenda a fazer essa pergunta – no presente contínuo – em inglês!
[note class=”cd”]Para obter o áudio deste episódio, CLIQUE AQUI
Frases no mini-podcast de hoje:
Are you sleeping?
I am
You are
He is
She is
It is
We are
You are
They are
Are you sleeping?
Come on! Get up!
Are you studying?
Are you working?
Are you teaching?
Clique AQUI para começar a DOMINAR o inglês básico.
Faça uma pergunta para mim no present continuous no setor de comentários abaixo.
Are you __________ing?
Are you buying this shirt?
Sure! Why not?
Are you reading a book?
Yes, I am, Lucia! A very interesting one!
Hi Tim. Are you eating your breakfast? Is it correct to say “are you hungring” (??). Tks.
No, it’s 8:00 P.M. right now. The correct way to say it is “Are you hungry?”
What are you doing now?
I’m reading the comments and answering them here.
Are you having fun teaching us?
I sure am, Anelise!
Hi, Tim! Are you recording many podcasts episodies?
Big Hug
I am, Cris. We’re trying to record at least one a day.
Hi, tim!
Do you can teach us what’s the difference between the words “get, take, pick” and yours verbal times? How do I use them?
It’s much confuse to me to understand this. Thank you. A hug!
Maybe we can do some mini-podcasts with those words, Douglas.
Tim, are you reading our comments?
I am now. 🙂
Hi, Tim, I love the mini podcast and was already looking forward to returning to listen to them in 2016.
Thank you, Vitor! Welcome back!
Are you eating fruits?
Hey, Tim!
Are you watching TV?
I’m not watching TV at the moment, but I am going home soon to watch the Republican presidential debate.
Tim, Are you ok ?
I am, Ren! Thank you for asking!
Tim , Are you working ?
In Brazil, I learned this song that way. :
Motorista,motorista olha a pista,olha a pista
nela tem buracos,nela tem buracos (Há há há)
Cobrador,cobrador olha o troco,olha o troco
está tudo errado, esta tudo errado(há há há)
Motorista,motorista olha o poste, olha o poste
Não é de borracha,não é de borracha vai bater…já bateu.
(CD da Eliana)
Tim, Are you listening music?
Are you traveling?
Good Morning Dear Tim!
Are you going in the Churchill in the Sundays?
Hello Tom. Are you getting up early, lately?
Are you working?
Are you eating ?
I’m going to eat pretty soon.
Are you running?
I am!
Now it’s twenty two o’clock at night. Are you reading your HOLY BIBLE Tim?