O que o futuro nos reserva? Vamos aprender a fazer esta pergunta – e respondê-la – em inglês no mini-podcast de hoje.
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What does the future hold?
What will the future hold?
hold – held – held
off the air
I will drop by.
Responda a seguinte pergunta com o Future Perfect, Future Continuous ou Simple Future.
What does the future hold?
What will the future hold? I don’t know, because the future belong to God, but I hope to see our Palmeiras champion this year.
What does the future Hold?
For me, a lot of joy.
What does the future hold??
It is a difficult answer, but I hold a peace in all world.
what does the future hold?
The future belong only the God
What does future hold? Just by yourself we can create a bright future, cause all we need to be into the world once sometimes being hard.
I don´t know what the future hold for me. I´m unemployed yet, I´m recovering from a very complicated surgery. Well, perhaps is a good thing for me to be unemployed because of surgery recuperation. But, not so good… LOL! I don´t know what think, but I have faith in God and I know He will take care of me!
What the future holds depends upon ourselves. We can’t change the past but we can plan the future.
What will the future hold? The people say : The future belongs to God, however we have the gods by the Brasilia temples, that alter our future.
The future belongs to God
I think the future belongs to God, but instead of this we need to make our plans and look foward to put these plans at work. So i want be a master in english! Aside of this, have a great vacation with your family, Tim! I really enjoy your podcast!
The future belongs to GOD
But I know we have to do our job…
Everything happens to honor our LORD….
have a nice HOLIDAYS TIM AND FAMILY!!!!!
I hope to make my professional dream
what does the future hold?
I hope that my trip to EUA 🙂
É natural que você como pai ou mãe se preocupe com o tipo de contato que o seu filho esta tendo com tamanha tecnologia. É por este motivo que eu utilizo este programa https://brunoespiao.com.br/espiao-de-instagram para monitorar o que o meu filho faz na internet