Hoje vamos responder a uma pergunta feita aqui no site. Devemos dizer parts of the body ou body parts? E o que uma vitrine com camisas do Palmeiras tem a ver com a resposta? Boa pergunta! Ouça o mini-podcast and find out! 😀

Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2017 e 2018 CLIQUE AQUI


I was window shopping at the mall, and I looked and I saw a beautiful palmeiras jersey in a shop window.

body parts (or) parts of the body

Tim’s car.

The cat’s milk is in the refrigerator.

The cat milk is in the refrigerator.

cow’s milk

the door handle

the kitchen table

the car door

window shopping

to window shop

store window / shop window

I was window shopping at the mall, and I saw a beautiful Palmeiras jersey in a store window.

soccer jersey

shop / go shopping

Let’s study the parts of the body.

kitchen sink

There were body parts all over the room.

Having said that…

I saw a ________ in a shop window.

Fill in the blanks.


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DOMINE Phrasal Verbs brincando!




How about you? What have you seen in a shop window recently? Please tell us about it in the comments section below.

I have seen a __________ in a shop window.

I was window-shopping and a saw a _____________ in a shop window.


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