Você conhece o Kindle Reader? Fiz essa pergunta para um aluno, mas não usei o verbo know; usei a expressão be familiar with. Descubra porque no mini-podcast de hoje!

Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2017 e 2018 CLIQUE AQUI


Are you familiar with the Kindle reader?


I know you.

familiar with

Are you familiar with the streets around here?

I would love to see Benjamin again. He really stole my heart. That’s the age group I’m familiar with.

I’m not very familiar with his poetry.

I’m not familiar with his books.

Are you familiar with this type of machine?

Are you familiar with Érico Veríssimo’s writings?

Are you familiar with our site?


Clique AQUI.                 Clique AQUI.


Complete the following question in the comments section below.

Are you familiar with _____________ ?


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