Você conhece o Kindle Reader? Fiz essa pergunta para um aluno, mas não usei o verbo know; usei a expressão be familiar with. Descubra porque no mini-podcast de hoje!
Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2017 e 2018 CLIQUE AQUI
Are you familiar with the Kindle reader?
I know you.
familiar with
Are you familiar with the streets around here?
I would love to see Benjamin again. He really stole my heart. That’s the age group I’m familiar with.
I’m not very familiar with his poetry.
I’m not familiar with his books.
Are you familiar with this type of machine?
Are you familiar with Érico Veríssimo’s writings?
Are you familiar with our site?
Complete the following question in the comments section below.
Are you familiar with _____________ ?
Tim, are you familiar with the intermediate student’s difficulties? Sometimes I feel like a runner who jogging hard in a treadmill without leaving the place…
Yes, I am, Loer! I’ve been teaching for many years now! If you put in the effort and don’t give up, I promise you will soon be in the next level!
Are you familiar with the Almodovar’s movies?
I don’t think so, Rosana. Is there a famous one I might be familiar with?
Are you familiar with this software?
No, but can you show me how it works?
Hello Tim,
Are you familiar with brazilian food?
have a nice day.
I am; and I love it!
Are you familiar with the protocolo HSRP?
Are you familiar with the HSRP protocol ? No, i’m not.
Neither am I. But I’ve heard about it?
Hi, Tim.
Are you familiar with grammar rules?
Could I use be familiar with with someone?
Let me give an example: I’m not familiar with that girl. (Não conheço bem aquela garota.)
One more time, thanks for the tips.
I, personally, don’t use this expression with people like that. Unless I am talking about an author or something.
how are you ?
are you familiar with the beach North Coast of são Paulo?
Ubatuba? Yes, I’ve been there once or twice.
Are you familiar with typical Brazilian food? What is your favorite?
I love beans and rice, and feijoada, and feijão tropeiro, and churrascos, and coxinhas, etc., etc., etc. Yum! Yum!
For sure Tim, I am pretty familiar with “our” awesome site. You really changed the way we learn English. Keep up the good work!
Thank you, Sergio! I appreciate that!
Are you familiar the smartwatches?
Yes, I have an apple watch! It’s pretty cool!
Are you familiar with brazillian song’s?
Sort of.
Hello Tim, is your family familiar with the Brazilian weather?
Yes, we are, Denilson. It can get pretty warm here! 😀
Hi Tim. Are you familiar with the State of Bahia?
Unfortunately, I’m not, Deyvson.
Tim, i’m not so familiar with my new cell phone but i’m trying to get the hang of it.
Great job, Hugo!
Are you familiar with french wine?
No, I’m not. Are you?
I am not familiar very Érico Veríssimo’s
He used to live in the States, you know.
ba6ffQuand elle achètera en masse, le système explosera aussi…La BCE ne peut racheter actuellement, c’est interdit par les traités européens et la constitution alm0bande̷e;7l345
Hello Tim, are you familiar with MPB music ?
A little.
Are you familiar with the guitar?
Yes, I actually play a little.
Tim! Are you familiar with irish culture?
A little, Natalia. We have Irish in our blood. 🙂
Are you familiar with computer games?
ps. Can it means ” voce tem conhecimento ou esperiencia ou facilidade com os jogos de computador” ?
Are you familiar with Fortaleza city?