Respire fundo e ouça o mini-podcast de hoje (e aprenda a dizer “respire fundo” em inglês).
Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2017 e 2018 CLIQUE AQUI
Take a deep breath and relax.
I am relaxed.
I lost my breath.
I am out of breath.
breathe in
breathe out
breathe deeply
Take a deep breath.
Take a deep breath and count until ten.
Take a deep breath and relax.
Take a deep breath and speak English.
Take a deep breath and go into the classroom.
take – took
I took a deep breath and gave the speech.
Take a deep breath and ___________ .
Take a deep breath and participate.
Complete the following phrase in the comments section below.
Take a deep breath and _____________________________________ .
Take a deep breath and ask your boss for a good salary increase.
Good idea! 🙂
Take a deep breath and be grateful to study here ! have Everyone a Happy Night !
Thank you, Ricardo.
Take a deep breath and tell me the all truth.
Yes, let’s hear it!
take a deep breath and go on.
Good advice.
Take a deep breath and continue working a lot
Take a deep breath and go to the beach for a short walk.
Both good options.
Take a deep breath and ask her if she wants to marry you.
Love is in the air!
Take a deep breath and “Run Forest Run” !
You’ve been watching Forest Gump! 🙂
Take a deep breath and check your checking account.
Take a deep breath and finish what you have to do today.
That’s always scary. 🙂
Take a deep breath and pratice English now.
Great idea!
Take a deep breath and tell me why are you so nervous…
Yes, open up to us.
Take a deep breath and call the police.
Take a deep breath and participate.
Yes, please do.
Take a deep breath and go on
Yes, never give up!
After taking a deep breath I think I will take a nap.
You relaxed a little too much. 🙂
I took a deep breath not to argue with my wife today.
That was wise! 🙂
Take a deep breath and run to get home on time.
Who is waiting for you? 🙂
Take a deep breath and wait the next podcast!!!
Congratulations for the material! Are very good for to learn english!
Take a deep breath and give the hands of friends. This correct?
Breathe in… breathe out… Take a deep breath and count until ten. Get out hate, come in love, and let’s go there
Take a deep breath and be happy !
It´s Monday :Take a deep breath and go to work!
Take a deep breath and solve your problem.
Take a deep breath and relax! Think positive things!
Great! I will!
I took a deep breath and don’t say bad words to my boss. hahaha. it’s a joke. XD