Neste episódio, descubra porque it stands to reason que meu amigo teria um pequeno acidente – e vamos aprender o significado da expressão “it stands to reason” e como usá-la.

Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2017 e 2018 CLIQUE AQUI


It stands to reason that he would have a fender bender, he’s always tailgating.



It stands to reason that he would have a fender bender, he’s always tailgating.


Don’t tailgate!

It stands to reason that he would have a fender bender.

It stands to reason (that) ______________ .

It stands to reason that it will be colder in January than it is in November.

It stands to reason that he will fail.

It stands to reason that you cannot find the right person to do a job, unless you know exactly what the job is.

It stands to reason that if you don’t study, you won’t do well on the test.

It stands to reason the you won’t learn this expression unless you practice on our site.

It stands to reason that __________.

Para DOMINAR Phrasal Verbs…


Vamos praticar a expressão de hoje setor de comentários abaixo. Complete a frase:

It stands to reason that __________________________ .


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