Pessoa, singular. Pessoas, plural. Fácil, né? Mas não é bem assim em inglês. 🙂 Vamos aprender a dizer ‘Havia muitas pessoas…’ em inglês no mini-podcast de hoje, sendo que a palavra #58 das 100 palavras mais usadas em inglês é justamente a palavra people (pessoas).

E preste atenção porque a pronúncia da palavra people é diferente do que muitos pensam.

Se você quiser receber as primeiras palavras – e as próximas – inscreva-se na caixa “Inglês BÁSICO Todos os Dias” ao lado.


There were a lot of people at the mall today.


car – cars

person – people


There were a lot of people at the mall.

at the mall

I am
You are
He is
She is
It is
We are
You are
They are

I was
You were
He was
She was
It was
We were
You were
They were

There are a lot of people at the mall.

There were a lot of people at the mall.

There were few people at the mall.

There were a lot of people at _________.

There were few people at ________.

There were few people at the party.

I hope there are a lot of people there.


DOMINE Inglês Básico (Volume 2):


Complete uma destas sentenças no setor de comentários abaixo.

There were a lot of people at ______________ . (or)

There were few people at _____________ .

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