Meu amigo ‘leva jeito’ para investimentos,  então está pensando em entrar no ramo. Vamos conversar sobre uma maneira de dizer ‘levar jeito’, ‘ter talento’ para alguma coisa em inglês. Assista ao vídeo do Dilbert abaixo também – que tem “a manha”. 😁

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Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2017 e 2018 CLIQUE AQUI


You should definitly get into investing, if you think you have the knack.

get into

get into investing


knack for something.

the knack/a knack

He has the knack.

I have the/a knack for __________.

I have the/a knack of ___________.

I have a/the knack for languages.

I have a/the knack for fixing things.

He has a knack for fixing things.

I hope you have a/the knack for learning English.

You have to work hard.

harder than others

I have the/a knack for ______________.

My brother has the knack for irritating me.


Vamos praticar a expressão de hoje setor de comentários abaixo. Complete a frase:

I have a/the knack for ____________________________ . (or)

(Person) has the knack for ________________________.


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