O meu tio escreveu de Virginia Beach querendo saber o que está se passando aqui no Brasil com a greve dos caminhoneiros, e eu tentei explicar com alguns bullet points (pontos de bala). Ouça o mini-podcast de hoje e aprenda a usar a expressão ‘make ends meet’ em inglês. Depois leia os meus bullet points e veja se expliquei direito a situação. Qualquer dúvida sobre o vocabulário, pode perguntar no setor de comentários abaixo.

Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2017 e 2018 CLIQUE AQUI


Truck drivers are having a hard time making ends meet.


bullet points


Explicação para o meu tio…

Here’s what I understand of the situation:

• Truckers are upset with their own unions, and are doing this on their own.  [Meu tio tinha perguntado se era os sindicatos que estavam fazendo isso.]

• The previous administration, which was impeached , actually started this situation by freezing prices some time ago.

• Then the Petrobras scandal broke out. (Politicians taking money from the state run oil company).

• After that, Petrobras went public and sold stocks internationally.

• To make up for losses, they are establishing prices by the 20% international oil they import, not by the 80% that Brasil produces. Thus, much higher prices.

• Plus 40% taxes. Everything goes to the government!

• On top of that, high prices for toll roads (almost every highway here), speed traps all over with varying speed limits to entrap drivers, bad roads, highway robberies, etc.

• Truck drivers are having a hard time making ends meet.

• We are actually sympathetic with the truck drivers, but wish the situation could be solved.

Para levar o seu inglês para o próximo nível, confira nossos produtos AQUI.


Qualquer dúvida sobre o vocabulário, pode perguntar no setor de comentários abaixo.


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