Continuando a dica de ontem, vamos agora aprender a dizer ‘Não deu!’ em inglês.
Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2017 e 2018 CLIQUE AQUI
I was supposed to send you some tips during our break, but it just wasn’t possible.
Vamos praticar a extrutura de hoje no setor de comentários abaixo. Complete a frase:
I was supposed to ______________________ , but it (just) wasn’t possible.
I was supposed to be early in the downtown, but it wasn’t impossible because my car broken and I went there by public transportation.
At least you finally made it there! 😀
I was supposed to hop on the first flight in the morning but It wasn’t possible.
Did you get up too late?
I was supposed to practice the English’s tip in your website, but it just wasn’t possible. kkkk
Shame on you, Robert! 😀
I was supposed to go to the supermarket, but it just wasn’t possible.
It’s never possible for me to go to the supermarket! 😀
We were supposed to star reading a new book, but it just wasn’t possible!
But you can start today! 😀
I was supposed to join on the meeting, but it just wasn’t possible
Just make sure you read the minutes so you know what was discussed.
I’m supposed to learn English easily, but it’s wasn’t possible. No problem!!!
I make a point to study hard. I wont never give up. It’s just a matter of time.
You’re well on your way, Roberto! Great job!
I was supposed to listen your mini podcast every day, but it just wasn’t possible because I’m working hard
OK. I’ll give you a pass this time! But let’s do better next week! 😀
Hello Tim!
I was supposed to continue taking English classes, but it wasn’t possible now, because I have been working a lot, sorry!
Yes, I miss our classes! Remember now! “All work and no play…” 😀
I was supposed to travel last year, but it wasn`t possible.
Will you be able to this year?
I was supposed to study english one hour every day but it wasn’t possible.
On this vacation I intended to study english a lot but it just wasn’t possible
I was supposed study English last night but it wasn’t possible.
I was supposed to go supermarket but it just wasn’t possible.
I was supposed to sleep early, but it just was not possible. I studied english hard that night.
At least it was for a good cause! 😀
I was supposed to watch the game but it wasn´t possible.
My wife argued all the time.
That wasn’t very fun. 😀
I was supposed to watch the game but It wasn´t possible.
Don’t worry! Palmeiras won! 😀
I was supposed to buy a book,but it just wasn´t possible!
Save up to buy it next month.
I was supposed to travel to the beach yesterday, but it just wasn’t possible.
Why not?
I was supposed to have a lunch, but it wasn’t possible.
Working too hard?
I was supposed to buy a ticket today, but it just wasn`t possible.
Is there still time?
i was supposed tô game tour house it wasn’t possible
Next time!
I was supposed to send an e-mail to my frien, but it just wasn’t possible, because my computer broke!
He’ll understand.
I was supposed speak about next vacation, but it just wasn’t possible.
Maybe next time.
I was supposed to go to the Zoo, but it just wasn´t possible because it is rainning.
I was supposed to go to work, but it just wasn’t possible, because today is a holiday…