Minha filha queria que eu lhe ajudasse a instalar um programa no seu notebook, mas ela conseguiu sozinha e me disse: “Pode deixar, já consegui.” Como você diria “deixa pra lá” em inglês? E já consegui? Vamos falar sobre isso no mini-podcast de hoje.

Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2017 e 2018 CLIQUE AQUI


Hey, Dad, could you help me install this program, please? Oh, never mind, I already did it.

The money already fell in my account

Never mind.

Would you mind closing the door?

Would you mind correcting my sentence?

I already did it.

I did it!

Never mind, I never used it anyway.

I will mind it.

I was going to ask you to ______

I am going to ask you

I was going to ask you to ___________

I was going to ask you to help me.

But never mind, I already did it.

I have already done it myself.

I already did it myself.

Never mind.



Complete the following sentence in the comments section below. 

I was going to ask you to _________ ; but, never mind, I already did it myself. (ou) I’ve already done it myself.


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