Disse que não iriamos falar mais sobre política… mas o segundo turno está aí! E para dizer ‘disputa de segundo turno’ em inglês precisamos empregar justamente um phrasal verb com a letra R. Não resisti! Vamos falar sobre isso no mini-podcast de hoje!

Esta dica faz parte do pacote “Phrasal Verbs com as Letras Q & R”, CONFIRA AQUI!

Frases no mini podcast de hoje:

Bolsonaro will now face Haddad in a run-off election on October 28th.

Donald Trump has racked up another state.

Trump’s strong leadership is definitely rubbing off in these Republicans.

rub in

run off

Two candidates who received the highest votes in the election will be running off.

run for an office

running off for the presidency

run-off election

a run-off

The Brazilians will vote in a run-off election to choose a new president.

Bolsonaro will now face Haddad in a run-off election.

França will face Doria in a run-off election/in a run-off.

___________ will face ___________ in a run-off for ______________.

Vídeo mencionado com “rack up”https://youtu.be/RRVocTh28tw?t=106

Tweet com “rub off”https://twitter.com/TaxReformExpert/status/1048347099123920896


Complete the following sentence in the comments section below. 

__(Candidate)__ will face __(Candidate)__ in a run-off (election) for a senate seat/for a congressional seat/for the presidency.

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