Está muito calor hoje, só que eu tenho ar condicionado no meu escritório. Como você diria o “só que” nessa sentença? Ouça o mini-podcast de hoje e aprenda mais este “discourse marker”!
Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2019 e 2020 CLIQUE AQUI
It’s very hot today. I have air-conditioning in my study, though.
Though I speak Portuguese, I am not Brazilian.
It’s very hot today. I have air-conditioning, though.
It’s very hot today, but I have air-conditioning.
I’m hungry. Lunch is not ready, though.
It’s not easy. You can do it, though.
Write two sentences, and use “though” in the second one in the comments section below.
___________________ . _________________ , though.
That girl’s really ungly, those legs tho!!!
That second part is actually a common expression, as I am sure you know.
I’m going to travel for work. I’m going by bus, though.
I’m very tired now. I need to wait for my turn, though.
I’m tired. The bedroom is occupied, though.
I am tired today. I go to the gym this night , thoug.
They don’t like to be together anymore. They keepi married , though.
I have an exam today, I’m not ready to do today, though.
Uh-oh! Just do the best you can then!
It is time to have a lunch. I am not hungry, though.
You will once you start eating. 🙂
I have a headache. I already bought the remedy, though
Hope you are feeling better now.
I don’t like to be nervous when I’m watching football. I’m a Steeler’s fan though.
It is possible not to be nervous during a Steeler’s game? 🙂
I tryed learn mathematics; I can’t though.
I like american football; I don’t too watch though.
(não sei se está certo, mas eu quis dizer “não assisto muito”).
ah, boa pra última frase:
I write. I don’t know right though.
Thanks, Bruno. Answering your question: I like American football; I don’t watch it too much, though.
I’m uneployed. I’m in a sabbatical period too, though.
I hope you find a good job when you decide to get back into the work force.
I am very tired I need to work, though.
Yes, it’s life.
I would like a private lesson of English, I can’t pay for this, though.
There are other ways to learn, too, thankfully.
I am late, I will come later, though
We’re waiting!
She went to the midletown. She should take the children to the school, though.
Who’s going to take them?
I am very tired. I am going to sleep, though.
Have a good rest.
I like to speak English. I don’t speak English very well, though!
Just keep studying every day! You are doing great!
I’m tired, I’m going to play, though
😀 b
Great tip!
I had never heard “though” as “só que” before and it really makes sense. Thanks!
Thank you, Bruna.