Ouça o mini-podcast de hoje para descobrir porque a pergunta “Como se chega ao Carnegie Hall?” é tão conhecida, e aprenda a dizer “Como se chega a (um lugar)?” em inglês.
Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2019 e 2020 CLIQUE AQUI
How do you get to Carnegie Hall?
Practice, practice, practice.
The train arrived at the station.
The train arrived in Jundiaí.
The packege arrived.
is here
The bride is here.
The bride arrived.
I got home
I got there
I got here
How do I get to ________________?
How do I get to Carnegie Hall?
How do I get to the Empire State Building?
How do I get to the library?
How do I get to the museum?
How do I get to Central Park
How do you get to our site? You go to domineingles.com.br.
How do I get to _____________?
DOMINE inglês básico este ano!
Complete esta pergunta no setor de comentários abaixo.
How do I get to ____________________ ?
How do I get to the beginning of Route 66 in Chicago?
Well, it start in Chicago. 🙂
How do I get to Museum of Science of Boston ?
It’s located in Science Park.
How do I get to Orange County Convention Center from International airport in Orlando?
Take the Line 42 bus. 🙂
How do I get to Jackson´s Ville?
In Portuguese, we can say: “Como eu chego a tal lugar?”, ou “Como eu encontro tal lugar?”, ou, ainda, “Como eu acho tal lugar?”, entre outras formas.
Thank you, Villy!
How do I get to Times Square?
É correto dizer, “How can I arrive in Manhattan?”
Para direções, o melhor é “get to” mesmo.
How do I get in Jundiai downtown by bus?
I’m not sure. I haven’t taken a bus here in a long time! 🙂
I got to the gym and did a hard workout
Good for you! 😀 b
how do I get home? kkkkk
I’m not sure. Where do you live? 😉
how do I get to Cultura Radio? (a radio station that I’m working)
Why don’t you take an Uber? 😀
how do I get to Ópera de Arame
Where is it? Downtown? 🙂
Can I use “How can I get to ….?
I have this same question….
Yes, you can! 😀 b
How do I get to Beneditinos’s dam?
I’m not sure.
How Do I get to Broadway?
Take the red-1 line and get off at Broadway.
How do I get to success?
By never giving up!
Very nice tip!! I was using the wrong one…. I used to say How can I get to ……
but from now I am going to use How do I get to …..
Thanks for that.
You can say “How can I get to…”, too.
Hi Tim,
How do I get to Jundiai by car?
Just take Anhanguera or Bandeirantes.
How do I get to your English school ?
Just drive around Terminal Hortolândia, and take the first street to your right.
How do I get to the Domine Inglês course?
Just follow the signs in English! 😀