Se eu fosse dizer em inglês que “jiló cresceu em mim”, o que você entenderia? Que eu dormi muito e um pé de jiló brotou em mim? Então você precisa ouvir o mini-podcast de hoje e aprender o phrasal verb “grown on” urgente!

Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2019 e 2020 CLIQUE AQUI


Jiló has grown on me.

grow – grew – grown

Jiló is growing on me.

People are agreeing that the truck is growing on them. You know, I don’t think the truck is ugly. I think the truck is just different from what you expected.

has grown on me

has grown on him

Over time it grows on you.

The city grew on me.

She is growing on me.

She has grown on me.

It‘s growing on me.

They have grown on me.

I didn’t like ________________ at first, but it has grown on me.

I didn’t like “Inglês Todos os Dias” at first, but it has  /it’s really grown on me.


Let’s practice! Use today’s expression in the comments section below. 

I didn’t like ____________________________ at first, but it/he/she/they, etc. has/have grown on me.


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