Eu estava lendo este artigo sobre a data de amanhã, que e um palíndromo, isto é, uma palavra, frase ou sequência de unidade que pode ser lida de trás para frente ou de frente para trás sem perder o sentido. Por isso resolvi mandar esta mini-podcast hoje, para lhe contar sobre esta data histórica, e também lhe ensinar a dizer “para trás” e “para frente” em inglês.
Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2019 e 2020 CLIQUE AQUI


This Sunday’s date is written the same backward and forward for everyone in the world. This hasn’t happened in 900 years.

it doesn’t happen
it hasn’t happened
It hasn’t happened in 900 years.


This Sunday´s date is written the same backward and forward.


The date is written the same backward and forward for everyone in the world. This hasn’t happened in 900 years.

I was pacing backward(s) and forward(s) in my room last night worrying about my exam.
I was pacing backward(s) and forward(s) in my room last night worrying about my English test.
I was pacing backward(s) and forward(s) in my room last night thinking about Tim´s tip.
I was pacing backward(s) and forward(s) in my room last night listening to Tim´s podcast.
I was pacing backward(s) and forward(s) in my room last night thinking about today´s tip.

backwards and forwards
back and forth

I was pacing backward(s) and forward(s) in my room last night worrying/thinking about _______________ .
I was pacing back and forth in my room last night worrying/thinking about _______________ .


Let’s practice! Complete the following sentence in the comments section below.

I was pacing backwards and forwards in my room last night, worrying/thinking about _____________________________ .


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