Neste episódio, vou lhe contar sobre uma brincadeira que enganou o meu irmão no dia 1o de abril, e lhe ensinar a dizer “cair nessa” em inglês.


I told my brother I formatted his hard drive, and he fell for it. Can you believe it!

April Fool’s Day
I fooled him.

He fell for the lie.
He fell for the trick.
He fell for it.

I told my brother I formatted his hard drive, and he fell for it.

He fell for my story.
He fell for that again.

He saw her smile and he fell for her.

I told my mother I didn’t like her food, and she fell for it.

What?! You’re not going to participate? Oh, ok! I almost fell for it!

I told ___(person)____  (that) _____________________ and he/she fell for it.

Aprenda outros phrasal verbs que começam com as Letras E e F:


Let’s practice today’s phrasal verb in the comments section below! 

I told ___(person)____  (that) _____________________ and he/she fell for it.


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