by Tim Barrett | Oct 18, 2012 | Idioms
Tenho um aluno que é fã do seriado policial “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation”. Em um episódio recente, um dos investigadores da CSI estava procurando impressões digitais em uma mesa de um cassino. O gerente do cassino perguntou se ele iria terminar logo....
by Tim Barrett | Oct 17, 2012 | Idioms
My brother David bought a little puppy (a shih tzu – see video below) recently and it will be arriving at his house on Friday. puppy = filhote (de cachorro) it will be arriving = “estará chegando” (“Gerundismo” é comum e correto em...
by Tim Barrett | Oct 11, 2012 | Idioms, Tim and Tammy Talk, U.S. History & Culture, Videos & Scripts
I present to you my new nephew and tell you why my brother has his work cut out for him. Apresento o meu novo sobrinho e lhe conto porque meu irmão tem muito trabalho pela frente. Depois de assistir ao vídeo abaixo e completar os exercícios, veja mais dois posts onde...
by Tim Barrett | Oct 3, 2012 | Idioms, Videos & Scripts
Listen to an American political pundit talking about the elections and Hilary Clinton, and using the expression “let the cat out of the bag”. Don’t forget to comment and participate below! Ouça um comentarista político americano falar sobre as eleições e Hilary...
by Tim Barrett | Sep 21, 2012 | U.S. History & Culture, Videos & Scripts
I’d like to share a very interesting video that purports to defend the “morality” free enterprise. I know it might seem like a “boring” subject – and you’re not obligated to agree with everything, of course – but the video presents the subject in a very interesting...
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