Não tem escapatória! Você precisa ouvir o mini-podcast de hoje para aprender a dizer que você quer escapar de fazer alguma coisa! E como você já desconfiou, é mais um phrasal verb com a letra GET.
Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2019 e 2020 CLIQUE AQUI


I tried getting out of walking today, but my excuse didn’t work.

get out

Get out of the car.
Get out of the room.
I never get out.
You need to get out more.

get out of…

I tried to get out of walking.

– If you would prefer to walk earlier because of the heat, I can skip today.
– 10:05 is fine.
– So there is no getting out of it for me.
– Nope!

If I can get out of going to that meeting, I will.
See if you can get out of that meeting.
I said I’d meet him, but now I want to get out of it.
He’s trying to get out of tidying his room.
He’s trying to get out of straightening up his room
My son always tries to get out of doing the dishes.

You can’t get out of participating on our site.

I’m trying to get out of _____________________.

There is no getting out of it!

ATENÇÃO: Você também poderia usar o “escape from” em vez de “get out of”, como outra opção.

Vagas abertas esta semana!


Let’s practice! Use today’s expression in the comments section below. 

I’m trying to get out of _____________________.


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