No último episódio aprendemos a usar o phrasal verb “figure out” para se dizer “descobrir” em inglês. Mas e o phrasal verb “find out”? Tem o mesmo significado? Vamos falar sobre isso e sobre o passaporte do meu filho no mini-podcast de hoje.

* Detalhe: O sorriso do Stephen na foto foi DEPOIS de resolver a situação do passporte! 😀


I just found out that my American passport was expired.

figure out
find out

I found out my friend is expecting a baby.
I need to find out what time the meeting starts tomorrow.
Could you find out if the store is open?

I need to figure out the best way to talk to my boss.
I’m trying to figure out a solution to the complex puzzle.
Can you figure out how to fix the error in this code?

I just found out that my best friend is moving to another country.
I just found out that the concert was canceled.
I’m going to find out who our best students are.

I just found out that ______________________ .


Let’s practice the phrasal verb “find out” in the comments section below! 

I just found out that ______________________ .


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