Happy New Year! We plan to be back here with daily tips for English learners next week, but meanwhile, here is an interesting little grammar lesson from a documentary about the new vice-president of the United States. You can see the video here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/120413902

Feliz Ano Novo! Planejamos estar de volta aqui com dicas diárias para estudantes de inglês na próxima semana, mas, enquanto isso, aqui vai uma pequena e interessante lição de gramática de um documentário sobre o nova vice-presidente dos Estados Unidos. Você pode assistir ao vídeo aqui: https://www.patreon.com/posts/120413902


When did it even occur to you that you could get into a place like Yale Law?

I thought to myself, you know, I’ve been selling myself maybe a little short.

You would think there’s nothing in common between a Chinese-American immigrant child, um, and a guy from Appalachia, but I saw a lot of myself in him.

And there was something about her story that resonated with him.

He said, “It’s gotten me thinking, you know, about my own life. I have a lot of thoughts I’ve never shared with anybody.” And it—I, I still have this email—it says, “I don’t even know what I’m thinking that I can write this down.

The email was the beginning of the book idea. I mean, was it that that made you turn around and say, “JD, you’ve got to write this down. You have to tell this story”?

It was.



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