No último episódio, aprendemos um phrasal verb para se dizer que um preço é um “roubo”. Mas quando dizemos que alguma coisa é um “steal”, também significa que é um “roubo”? Estas duas expressões são sinônimas? Don’t jump to conclusions [Não tire conclusões precipitadas] e ouça o mini-podcast de hoje!
Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2017 e 2018 CLIQUE AQUI
At $ 60.00, those Nike shoes are a steal.
Someone stole my earphones.
Someone robbed my earphones.
Those shoes are a steal.
At $ 60.00 those Nike shoes are a steal.
At R$/$_______ , that _________ is a steal.
At R$/$_______ , those shoes are a steal.
Complete the following sentence in the comments section below.
At R$/$ __________, that/those _________ is/are a steal!
Any product from is always a steal, it is truly a real bargain! 😉
Thanks, Anderson! 🙂
At R$1,59, that kit kat is a steal!! Hahaha!!
Yum! Bring me one, too!
At R$ 22, that meal is a steal.
At R$ 75 , those shoes are a steal.
Both great prices!
At R$10,00, that shirt is a steal!
Yes, great price!
At R$ 4, that cake is a steal.
How big is it?
At R$ 1,00 , that lollipop is a steal!
But one for me, too!
At R$ 10 , thats meal is a steal!
What’s the name of the restaurant? 🙂
At R$ 1.000,00, that a new iPhone, is a steal.
Where did you find that price! 😀
At R$ 30,00, that meal isa steal!
Yes, great price! Is the food good?
At R$1000 , that iPhone is a steal.
Did you find it on Mercadolivre?
At R$20, that shirt is a steal.
At $400, that Asus Zenfone 3 is a steal.
Not bad!