No episódio #355, aprendemos que podemos usar a gíria “like” para citar alguém. Hoje, vamos ver que podemos usar este gíria “like” para exagerar numa descrição. Ouça a minha sobrinha dizer que é o “melhor suco de uva que ela já tomou” e aprenda mais este uso do “like”.
Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2019 e 2020 CLIQUE AQUI
Isabella: Free samples of grape juice.
Emily: Is it good?
Isabella: Aw, so good! It’s, like, the best kind!
family outing
You are like me.
What is Brazil like?
And then the dog chased us. And Michael thought it was a big dog. He didn’t see it. And so he went, “Isa, put your arms up!”; and I was, like, “That’s what you do when you see a shark.”
They were like, so rude.
The water was, like, really cold.
And so he went, “Isa, put your arms up!”; and I was, like, “That’s what you do when you see a shark.”
Isabella: Free samples of grape juice.
Emily: Is it good?
Isabella: Aw, so good! It’s, like, the best kind!
It was like, the best meal I’d ever had.
This horror movie was like, the scariest movie I have ever seen.
Describe something using “like” to exagerate a little 😉 in the comments section below.
It/they/he/she was, like, the ___________________________________ I had ever seen/eaten/done/played, etc.
IT was like the lie I ever had heard until today
How shameful! 🙂
This course was, like, the best course I have ever taken .
I hope it was our course! 😀
The cold in Santo Andre is, like, the biggest I’ve ever felt.
Bundle up!
This perfum was like, the best I’d ever smell
Your boyfriend (husband?) will like it, I’m sure! 🙂
This view is, like, the most beautiful I have ever seen.
Send me a picture!
This site was, like, the best thing that I discovered.
No exaggeration? 😀
This pizza It’s, like, the best neighborhood
Sounds good! Yum!
This time we are passing through it’s, like, the most challenge time in recent history.
It seems like that to us. But there have been other very difficult times in the past, and people made it through it!
Him Tim 🙂
The day today was, like, too tiring. :/
Try to go home and relax a little.
This snack is, like, the best one I have eaten last year
My lemon pie is so beautiful.. it’s like a gastronomy art
Sounds delicious! I love lemon pie!
This new car is so fast, it´s like a ferrari.
This gingerbread is, like, that I was ate have in my life