A minha filha passou no exame de direção! 😀 Mas não teve pressa na hora de fazer a baliza! Vou lhe contar a história no mini-podcast de hoje, e vamos aprender a dizer “não tenha pressa” em inglês, usando o verbo take.
Outras traduções possíveis para a expressão de hoje:
não tenha pressa
sem pressa
pode ir com calma
faça com calma
use o tempo que for necessário
Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2019 e 2020 CLIQUE AQUI
DOMINE Phrasal Verbs: https://loja.domineingles.com.br/phrasal-verbs
ou https://loja.domineingles.com.br/pacotes
DOMINE o Inglês Básico: https://loja.domineingles.com.br/ingles-basico
DOMINE o Present Perfect: https://loja.domineingles.com.br/ingles-todos-os-dias-especial
DOMINE o inglês específico para cada situação: https://loja.domineingles.com.br/cultura-americana
Emily took her time to park, but she passed.
Don’t be in a hurry.
take a long time
take long
I will not [won’t] take long to explain this.
It doesn’t take long to record these podcasts.
It takes a long time to edit these podcasts.
Take your time.
Take my time.
Take her time.
Emily took her time to parallel park.
She passed.
Emily took her time to parallel park, but she passed.
Congratulations, Emily!
You can take your time.
Take your time to _________________________ .
Take your time to leave your comment there.
Tim, take your time to answer me.
Why shouldn’t we be in a hurry? Complete this sentence in the comments section below.
Take your time to __________________________ .
Take your time to learn English
Yes, go at your pace; and learn a little every day!
Como eu diria “tudo tem seu tempo” de (uma hora vai acontecer)?
You can say: “There’s a time for everything.”
Is nice to learn English here.
That’s great. Welcome, Maria!
Warren Buffett Quotes:
“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently”.
That’s true! By the way, this take is the one we taught in episode #428.
Take your time to learn a new English tip every day!
Take your time to be happy. Enjoy each day, little by little.
Thank you for this class Tim! I am learning a lot from your podcasts! It takes time to learn english well.
Thank you, Anna! I am glad you are enjoying the tips!
That’s true. And always take time to smell the roses.
Good advice! 😀
Take your time to drive in São Paulo
Yes, don’t be in a hurry, or else you could have an accident.
It is better take your time to do everything in best way, avoid redo all work.
Congratulation, Emily, parallel park isn’t easy to do especially when we’re nervous.
Thank you! I will convey your message to her!
Take your time to cheer for Flamengo later in the evening.
I hope it will take a LONG time for anyone to score… 😀
Hi ,Tim!. I found you through Spotilight and I liked your way of teaching English very well. What a nice idea you and your family have chosen Brazil to live in. What’s very important in your teaching is that you explain everything in Portuguese. Than you once more.
Please, I am Brazilian and I always try to make myself undertood in my poor English, but I dream soon in the future to be a good English speaker.
Thank you for your comment, José! And you are writing very well!
Hi Tim! That’s my pleasure to join you and try to improve a little bit my poor English. As I always say I never give up! I take my time and go on step by step, sip by sip I know I’ll be there.
It’s sound good your way of teaching. I’m so excited. My goal is getting better my speaking and listening too. You are a kind of teacher that someone look up to.
Thank you for your kind words, Solange! Keep up the good work!
Teacher Tim, I just discovered your classes, they,re so nice! I lived in the States long ago and have taught English here in Brazil for a couple of years. There’s always something new to learn, and it never ends.
Congratulations on this great work!
Take your time to learn English.
Yes, and enjoy the process!
it doesnt a long time to reply you by comment , although take your time tim to answer me Tim
Thanks, Ariol! Here I am! 🙂
Take your time. Watch the video several times.
Yes. Learn at your own pace.
I take my time to learn English . Slowly but surely. (it’s your first tip )
That’s the way to go!
Hey Tim.
Take your time to recording podcast.
I love yours podcast teacher.
Take your time celebrate your daughter’s victory.
*Take your time to celebrate your daughter’s victory
Take your time to teaching English to Brazilians, you have a gift.
Take your time to clean the house.