A minha esposa disse: “Vamos sair um pouco;” eu disse: “Para onde? Está tudo fechado!” E é verdade. Não tem para onde ir nessa quarentena. Então vamos ficar aqui e aprender a usar o verbo ‘go’ para relatar o que alguém disse.
Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2019 e 2020 CLIQUE AQUI


My wife goes, “Let’s go out (a little);” and I go, “Where if everything is closed?”

I go
She goes

I live
He lives

We drop you into the deep end and go, “Someone else is going to be playing Mister Rogers, you got to get used to it. Here we go!”

It was a lot of looking at the two faces and going, “What do we need?”

He goes…
She goes…
My brother goes…

My brother goes, “Let’s eat,” and I go, “Yes!”



Complete this sentence in the comments section below.

___(Someone)__ goes, “_________________;” and I go, “_______________________” .


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