Eu estava lendo este artigo sobre a data de amanhã, que e um palíndromo, isto é, uma palavra, frase ou sequência de unidade que pode ser lida de trás para frente ou de frente para trás sem perder o sentido. Por isso resolvi mandar esta mini-podcast hoje, para lhe contar sobre esta data histórica, e também lhe ensinar a dizer “para trás” e “para frente” em inglês.Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2019 e 2020 CLIQUE AQUI
This Sunday’s date is written the same backward and forward for everyone in the world. This hasn’t happened in 900 years.
it doesn’t happen
it hasn’t happened
It hasn’t happened in 900 years.
This Sunday´s date is written the same backward and forward.
The date is written the same backward and forward for everyone in the world. This hasn’t happened in 900 years.
I was pacing backward(s) and forward(s) in my room last night worrying about my exam.
I was pacing backward(s) and forward(s) in my room last night worrying about my English test.
I was pacing backward(s) and forward(s) in my room last night thinking about Tim´s tip.
I was pacing backward(s) and forward(s) in my room last night listening to Tim´s podcast.
I was pacing backward(s) and forward(s) in my room last night thinking about today´s tip.
backwards and forwards
back and forth
I was pacing backward(s) and forward(s) in my room last night worrying/thinking about _______________ .
I was pacing back and forth in my room last night worrying/thinking about _______________ .
Let’s practice! Complete the following sentence in the comments section below.
I was pacing backwards and forwards in my room last night, worrying/thinking about _____________________________ .
Tim, I have a question, how can I say my t-shirt is “pelo avesso”? Backwords? Or is there another more correct way?
I was pacing backwards and forwards in my room last night, worrying about the new Corona Vírus in the worlds.
Hopefully the scientist will come up with a vaccination soon!
My t-shirt is on backwards.
I hope more things happen like in this Sunday’s date is written the same backward and forward “02/02/2020”. So we will have more English tips on the weekends.
By the way tip # 425, isn’t it?
Thanks, Janildo! We fixed it. And I hope we have more events like this, too. They’re always fun. 🙂
The kids were pacing backwards and forwards looking for the Lego pieces.
Did they find them all?
I was pacing backward and forward in my room las night thinking about my interview .
Why don’t you try to get a good night’s rest. Then you can get up earlier and think about the interview over a cup of coffee.
I was pacing backwards and forwards in my room last night, thinking about dates like that.
It’s best to get a good night’s rest. You can think about that tomorrow!
I was pacing backwards and forwards in my room last night, thinking about which championships Flamengo will win in 2020.
I think you will do a lot of pacing and worrying about Flamengo this year! 😀
I was walking backwards and forwards in my room last night thinking about the beginning of my school year.
Don’t worry. You will do great!
I was pacing backwards and forwards in my room last night, worrying about the rains in Minas Gerais.
I was pacing backwards and forwards in my room last night, thinking about the homeless people in Rio de Janeiro.
I was pacing backwards and forwards in my room last night, thinking about how I will get to adress whithout a car.
Boy, lots to worry about! Do you live in Minas?
Hey, Tim!
I was pacing backward and forward in my room last night, thinking you are mistaken when you say that we will have another date written the same way backward and forward after hundreds of years.
With all due respect, on 03.02.2030 (February 03rd, 2030) the date will be written the same way backward and forward.
Never mind, I just realized that you said “the same (…) for everyone in the world”. My mistake.
By the way, why do Americans write the month before the day when the Englishmen write the day first?
Thank you and have a nice day!
Good job with your sentences, Paulo. I think we write the date like that because of the way we say it. January fourth in English. Quatro de janeiro in Portuguese.
I was pacing back and forth in my room thinking about the bad weather, it was definitely rain a lot
Do you have plans?
I was pacing backward(s) and forward(s) in my room last night thinking about to have a job.
You’ll find one! Never give up!
I was pacing backward and forward in my room last night worrying about my driving test.
My daughter is going through the same feelings! 😀
I was pacing backward and forward in my room last night worrying about my apresentation on at company
Good luck with it!
I was pacing backwards and forwards in my room last night thinking about my graduation in biology.
Espero que tenha saído certo 😉
Yes, you wrote well! And don’t worry about your graduation! All will go fine!
I was pacing backwards and forwards in my room last night listening to my favourite song ” You say” by Lauren Daigle .
I was pacing backward and forward in my room las night thinking about the class I taught today.