A vitória da Rússia contra a Espanha foi a maior zebra da Copa do Mundo na Rússia. Vamos aprender a comunicar esta frase com um phrasal verb muito comum em inglês, o phrasal verb pull off.
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Russia pulls off one of the biggest upsets ever in a World Cup.
pull off
He pulled off the covers.
We’ll really need his help if we are going to pull this off.
Croatia could always pull off an upset win if Brazil is not careful.
upset the boat
Russia pulls off one of the biggest upsets ever in a World Cup.
Russia achieved the third biggest upset in World Cup history.
Russia pulled off the third biggest upset in World Cup history.
Russia managed the third biggest upset in World Cup history.
The enemy pulled off a surprise attack.
No one thought she could do it, but she pulled it off in the end.
The team pulled off a last minute victory.
The goal keeper pulled of an awesome save.
in awe
I pulled off an A on the exame, despite not studying.
Corinthias pulled off an upset win against/over Palmeiras.
Artigo Mencionado:
Veja também:
Vamos praticar o phrasal verb de hoje no setor de comentários abaixo. Complete a frase:
___(Team)___ pulled off an upset win against/over ___(Team)___ .
Palmeiras pulled off an upset win against Corinthians
We’ll take that!
I’d like to pull a victory off against my major opponent.
I hope have written right
That’s correct. Good job, Denilson!
Belgium pull off an upset win over Brazil.
All kidding aside, I hope that doesn’t happen today.
Me, too! We’re all here cheering for Brazil!!
Cruzeiro pulled off an upset win over the atletico.
I take it you’re a Cruzeirense. 😀
The cat pulled off an upset scape over the dog.
Smart cat! 🙂
Moro and Thompson Flores pulled off an illegal win over Judge Favretto’s release order.
And Lula wasn’t able to pull off his release from jail.
Como American, não estou tomando partido. Só usei o verbo “pull off” novamente. 🙂
Santos pulled off an upset win over Barcelona.
Good game!
South Korea polled off an upset win against Germany in the Russia World Cup.
They sure did!