O meu filho saiu mancando do médico depois de tomar injeção, e eu disse para ele que ele se sentiria melhor assim que o remédio fizesse efeito. Ouça a história de hoje e aprenda a dizer ‘fazer efeito’ em inglês.

Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2017 e 2018 CLIQUE AQUI


You’ll feel better when the medicine kicks in.


You will feel better when the medicine kicks in.

kick in

kick the ball

The new rule will kick in next year.

The air conditioner will kick in…

It still hasn’t kicked in.

I took some aspirin but it still hasn’t kicked in.

The coffee is kicking in!

I’m going to work as soon as my coffee kicks in.

I am going to ____________ as soon as my coffee kicks in.

What are you going to do as soon as your coffee kicks in?



Vamos praticar o phrasal verb de hoje setor de comentários abaixo. Complete a frase:

I am going to ______________ as soon as my coffee kicks in.


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