Faça 10 cópias desta lista de Phrasal Verbs e distribua para seus amigos.
Tem duas considerações que vamos fazer sobre a frase acima: (1) Não é assim que se aprende Phrasal Verbs, e (2) Para dizer essa sentença é comum usar um Phrasal Verb. Ouça o mini-podcast de hoje para aprender mais este Phrasal Verb com a letra R.
Esta dica faz parte do pacote “Phrasal Verbs com as Letras Q & R”, CONFIRA AQUI!
Could you please run off five copies of this phrasal verb list?
run off
I’m going to [gonna] run it off for you.
run off something / run something off
The person ran off.
run away
run off / run off with someone
run someone off / run off someone
run off some calories
run off at your mouth
run-off election
Little and often.
Could you run off ten copies of this poem, please?
Would you mind running off some more copies of the agenda?
I’ll run off a few more copies before the meeting.
I’m going to run off ________ copies of ________.
I’m going to run off tem copies of the lesson to show my friends.
What are you going to run off?
Run to our site.
Don’t run off!
ou PACOTES com 4 AQUI.
Let’s practice the phrasal verb ‘run off’ in the comments section below.
I’m going to run off ___(number)_____ copies of ________.
I’m going to run off a lot of copies of this class to put on my bedroom wall for me to learn a lot how to speak English fluently! So… slowly but surely (It is your first podcast :)).
Great idea, Thiago! 😀
Hi Tim!
Just today at office, I ran out of printing paper to run off my monthly report.
See you and thanks!
It’s always frustrating to run out of paper!
And good job with both Phrasal Verbs! 😉
I’m going to run off ten copies of this lesson.
Good! Are you going to give them to your friends?
I’m going to run off two copies of the report for my boss.
You’re a good worker! 🙂
I’m going to run off 20 copies of the drawing for childrem.
They will like that!
Hey, what are you doing???
I’m busy, would you mind run off some copies of this report for the meeting??
I’m going to run off one copie of my agenda
I´m going to run off copie of my books.
I would like so much to run off Brazil, but, like I cant do it yet, I study with all this lessons in these poadcast. Tks Tim
Tim, can I say that I runned off 8 pounds since last year?
Would you mind run off thirty copies of this photo? It looks amazing!
I’m going to run off two copies of this lesson for my son and brother.
I’m gonna run off nine copies of this lesson for my family