Meu filho encontrou uma amiga (vamos chamá-la de “Mary”) por acaso no centro hoje e me contou por Whatsapp. Como ele disse isso?

I ran into Mary.


I bumped into Mary.

Qual é o certo? Vamos conversar sobre isso no mini-podcast de hoje.

Esta dica faz parte do pacote “Phrasal Verbs com as Letras Q & R”, CONFIRA AQUI!

Frases no mini podcast de hoje:

I bumped into a friend downtown.

Tim and Tammy and the Sons of Liberty

Benjamin Franklin, Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, Paul Revere

run into

I ran into a telephone pole.

I ran into a friend downtown.

What’s your name?

I ran into the wall.


I bumped into the wall.

I bumped/ran into a friend downtown.


I’ll see you there.

I’ll bump into you there.

I bumped/ran into ____(person)____ yesterday.


Complete the following sentence in the comments section below. 

I bumped/ran into _____[person]___ yesterday.

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