Don’t worry! It will all _____  ____ in the end! Tudo vai acabar bem! Vamos aprender a dizer isso em inglês – and keep your chin up! [mantenha a cabeça (literalmente, o queixo) erguida!]


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Frases no mini podcast de hoje:

How did things work out with Susie?

break up

Let’s break down the sentence. / Let’s break it down.

How did things go?

How did things work out between you?

Things worked out great! We are dating.

Unfortunately, things didn’t work out.

How did things work out with your parents in the end?

How did the meeting work out?

Don’t worry; everything will work out in the end!

It will all work out in the end


phrasal verbs banner



Tarefa de hoje:

Escreva (no setor de comentários abaixo) sobre alguma coisa que você tem passado, e termine assim: …but everything will work out in the end.

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