Eu tenho uma pergunta para você: Você sabe dizer “eu tenho uma pergunta para você” em inglês? 🙂 Seria “a question to you” ou “a question for you”? Vamos aprender (ou recapitular) a dizer isso em inglês, e também a dizer “fazer uma pergunta” em inglês no mini-podcast de hoje.
Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2019 e 2020 CLIQUE AQUI
I have a question for you today.
I have a question for you.
ask a question
Can I ask you a question?
I have a question for you.
I have something to ask you.
I have a question to ask.
I have a question to ask you.
Ask me a question.
Leia as perguntas e respostas sobre o curso “Como Falar Ingês Como Um Nativo” AQUI:
Depois nos faça alguma pergunta setor de comentários abaixo, começando com…
I have a question for you.
I have a question to ask you.
I have something to ask you.
Can I ask you a question?
Hi Tim !
I would like to ask you how you’d translate to portuguese this sentence of a famous song:
“ When the night has come “
1 Quando a noite tem chegado
2 Quando a noite chegou
3 Quando a noite chega
Because I have seen on the internet Its translation to portuguese just like the third one.
Keep up the good work
Can i ask you a question?
what does it mean, you’d?
Depends on the sentence, it could mean “you would…” or “you had (verb)…”
Hello, Gil! Thank you.
You can translate the Present Perfect in different ways, depending on the context. In this case, I would probably translate it as “quando a noite chega” or “quando a noite chegar”.
Hey Tim ! Would u mind answering my question ?
Keep it up !
I did. Check my answer up there.
Can I ask you a question?
How I can learn the best way to use though, through in the daily?
Try looking those words up in Longman’s learner’s dictionary.
Hi Tim,I have a question for you.
How can I speak english like a native in my age?
Hello, Dora! With lots of practice and improving a little every day! Work on one sentence at a time. Put it as a wallpaper of your cellphone (for example) and look at it and pronounce it many times during the day, at night before going to bed, then in the morning when you wake up. When you think you MASTERED that sentence, start working on another one! We will never be “perfect”, but we continue improving every day.
Tim, do you have any tips to help me overcome a shame of mispronouncing when speaking to people fluent in english? And to improve pronunciation? I m using google translator and i m enjoying. Thank you.
Hello, Ronney. You have to realize (entender/saber) that your ego is a tool. You can turn it off or on. Don’t take mistakes and laughing at your mistakes PERSONALLY. Just accept it as part of the process and “turn off” your ego. The best thing is to make lots of mistakes, laugh at them, and continue! You will see that your life does not end just because you made a mistake and people laughed at it. With practice, you will improve.
Can I ask you a question?
Do you think that Palmeiras are able to face Mengão?
Of course! 😀
Can I ask you a question?
What is a best way to learn to form sentences in English?
It’s always best to learn complete sentences!
Can I ask you a question?
What is a best manner to learn the verbs tenses?
Hi, Sam. Just keep learning naturally, a little every day. You don’t have to memorize lists. Just learn the new verbs and tenses as you come across them. [come across them = se deparar com eles]
Let me ask you a question:
What time tomorrow our Açaí?
Hey, Fábio. Unfortunately, I will have to call a raincheck on that today :-(. I’ll explain personally. 😉
Let me ask you a question:
Am I a joke to you?? HAHAHA 😛
No problemo, my friend!! 🙂
Never! I take my friends very seriously! 😉
Hello Tim, I have something to ask you. By the way, very things.
what level of English is necessary for the student to be able to follow the course “como falar inglês como um nativo em 21 dias”?
In tip # 134, you said that you mix the end of the studied with the beginning of English in the spoken language. So, how can I hear the difference between “I study English vs I studied English”?
Hi, Janildo. Thank you for your questions. To follow the course “Como Falar Inglês…”, you should have a knowledge of the basic structures of the English language, like:
Present Perfect
should have, could have
going to
So it would be best to have “intermediate” English, and not be a total beginner.
About the pronunciation, it would sound like this:
I study English.
I studie d’English.
You will hear the “d”, but already connected to the “E” of English.
Can I ask you a question?
Can you help me clear my shoes?
Why don’t you wash them in the tank? 🙂
I have something to ask you.
Do you know some good website to practice dictation in English?
Not of the top of my head.
Hello Tim! Happy 2020! I’ve heard some work mates saying : “I have a doubt” instead of I have a question… it would be nice to include this explanation in your future podcasts. Regards! Sonia
Are your coworkers Brazilian, Sonia?
Hi, good eveninng.
How are you?
My dream is classes for English in Portuguese.
Encontrei, rsrs
Thank you very much.
Tim, I have a question for you
Do you live in Brasil?
Tim, can i ask you a question?
Have a good year. Happy 2020
I do, Marcos. We live in Jundiaí. Where do you live? Happy New Year to you, too!
Hi Tim
I have a question for you.
You could help me learn English
Sure! I’m always glad to help you improve your English!
Hi, 🙂
Can I ask you a question? How many son you have, teacher?
I have two sons, and a daughter.
I have something to ask you. Do you appreciate classical music ?
Can I ask you a question?
How old are you ?