Where do you work? [Onde você trabalha?]. I work at/for/in/with ______________ . Vamos aprender quais preposições usar – at,for,in,with – com o verbo trabalhar (work) em inglês.

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Frases no mini-podcast de hoje:

I work in an English school. Where do you work?

Where do you work?

I work in an English School.

I work
You work
They work
We work

He works
She works

I work in an office.

I work in a school.

I work in a factory.

I work in Jundiaí.

I work for Nike.

I work at Nike.

I work for Domine Inglês.

I work for Silvio Santos.

I work in the marketing department.

I work in sales.

I work in consulting.

I work in research.

I work with computers.

special-needs children

My sister-in-law works with special-needs children.

I work in Education.

I work at Domine Inglês.

I work in a school.

I work in Education.

I work with English students.

I work at Siemens


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Responda a seguinte pergunta no setor de comentários abaixo.

Where do you work?

I work at/for/in/with ______________ .

My wife/friend/father, etc. works at/for/in/with _______________ .

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