Ontem durante um Easter Egg Hunt pais invadiram o campo e crianças quase foram pisoteadas. Vamos conversar sobre isso e aprender a dizer pisotear em inglês.
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Parents suddely rushed the fields leaving other parents fearful their kids may be trampled.
Easter egg hunt
Happy Easter!
They rushed the field.
Don’t rush.
People rushed the palace gates.
trample on flowers
Children were trampled underfoot.
Trampled to death
I was almost/nearly trampled trampled to death.
I was almost trampled to death when…?
Let’s practice!
Complete the following sentence:
I was nearly/almost trampled to death when/at ______________________ .
People were almost trampled to death when going to the rodeo. After the rodeo is over, then there is a big show with various famous artists and in this time, the gates are opened to the crowd to going to the arena and peoples have a habit to running to be near to the singer.
Tim, I don’t know if the sentence is right, let alone if you will understand, LOL! So, please make the corrections if an error exists. Thanks a ton! 🙂
Your sentences were great, Emerson! Gotta be careful with those rodeos, though! 🙂
I was almost trampled to death when I was going to a soccer play and the gates had open.
It was terrible!
Gotta be careful in these soccer games!
I was amost tramplet to death when my school.
That’s a dangerous school! 🙂
Many people were nearly tramped to death after the end up the football game between Corinthians x Palmeiras, helpfully, the police arrived and finished with the fight.
Tim, if is wrong, tell me
Have a nice day
Did that really happen? I hope not. Let’s just celebrate Palmeira’s victory! 🙂
I was almost trampled to death when a was in the Bon Jovi concert’s.
So glad you made it out alive!
I was almost trampled to death when had a television’s offer on black friday (right?)
Yes, it’s always dangerous on Black Friday!
I was nearly trampled to death when I tried to get on the crowded subway during rush hour.
Be careful!
I was almost trampled to death when I look as it had income tax to be paid!
No one wants to pay income tax!!
Man, I’m a Brazilian Guys, and I’d like to thank you for your amazing Podcasts, u r awesome! I love it! Please, never stop to do that! A hug to u, God Bless u!
Thank you, Ghilherme. So glad you are enjoying the tips!
I was almost trampled when the people come to us.
I was almost trampled to death when…? Actually, I have never experienced this. But I would like to see some politicians from Brazil running in front of a large group of cattle, not in Brasilia but in close streets, like Ouro Preto MG.
Saulo – Beginner
That would be an interesting scene! haha
I was nearly trampled to death when played soccer.
That was a violent game!
A palavra ‘underfoot’ no phrasal ‘trampled underfoot’ não ficou claro para mim =/
I was almost trampled to death when I’ve gone to a concert and the singer didn’t show up!. I was close to the main gate and the mob was forcing the gate to get in! I was kinda freaked out since the security guards couldn’t handle such a thing…..