Um caminhão entrou na minha frente. Isso aconteceu de verdade! Mas como você diria isso em inglês? Vamos aprender mais um phrasal verb sobre o trânsito com a palavra “pull” no mini-podcast de hoje.
Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2019 e 2020 CLIQUE AQUI
I was driving along Anhanguera when a huge truck pulled out in front of me.
pull over
pull out
pulling out
I’m pulling out of the driveway into a street.
I’m pulling out.
I’m pulling out onto the highway.
The truck pulled out in front of me.
A car pulled out in front of me.
I was driving along ______________ when a truck pulled out in front of me.
Clique AQUI
Let’s practice today’s phrasal verb in the comments section below. Complete this sentence:
I was driving along ______________ when a _______ pulled out in front of me.
I was driving along Anhanguera my huge truck when a scooter pulled out in front of me. kkkkk
So it was you! 😀
I don’t drive.
Good for you! 😀
I was driving along Regis Bittencourt when a truck pulled out in front of me.
Is that still a dangerous highway?
I Was driving along Parkway ave towards New York, when that Bmw pull out right in front of me! I lost control of my car and drove over. ( should I say wrapped in this case??)
Can you tell me if the pronunciaton of the words to- too and Two is the same?? If not Could you explain the difference? Thanks a lot, best regards! Happy Easter!!
Hi, Douglas. Yes, they are the same. What a story about the BMW! 😀
What do you mean by “drove over”? Crashed?
Hello, Will tried to say the verb: capotar o carro
In that case you can say you “overturned the car”.
Thank you my friend. Keep up with the good work!!
I know you’re teaching about cars, but if you could do a lesson explaining expressions that could be used in real state business i would appreciate it!
I’ll mark your suggestion down, Douglas, and maybe we can do a series about that. Do you have any sentences in mind?
That would be great and helpfull!!!
Well, actually yeah!! Statements like: eu trabalho no ramo imobiliário. Eu vendo e alugo casas. Eu vendo terrenos. Eu vendo sítios. Eu construo casas. Enfim, eu administro imóveis!
Eu trabalho como um vendedor imobiliário ( corretor imobiliário) autônomo e não tenho uma imobiliária. Eu tenho uma agenda flexível e sou eu que organizo minhas férias pois não tenho um chefe que controla férias para mim!! Expressões desse tipo. No Google tem bastante, mas queria saber expressões comuns que realmente são usadas nessa área!! Thank u!!
Thank you, Douglas. We’ll see what we can do.
Ok. I will appreciate that!!!
I was driving along AP-5 highway when a car pull out in front of me.
Greetings from Spain
Hello, Vera! Is AP-5 in Spain?
I was driving along Imigrantes when I had to pull out my car of the road track because was another car slower then mine.
Hello, José. Usually it’s the opposite. You “pull out” into the highway (enter); then you pull off the highway (exit).
I was driving along Bandeirantes highway when a truck pulled out in front of me
And Bandeirantes is a fast highway!
I was driving along Fernão Dias when a motorcycle pulled out in front of me.
Gotta watch out for those motorcycles!
I was driving along Presidente Kennedy when a car pulled out in front of me, this is common for us motorcyclists.
Hi Tim!
There’s something I like to do with every episode of your podcast. I see the title, which is usually (or always, most likely) in Portuguese, and try to guess what the expression in English is gonna be, before listening to it.
When I read the title today, I thought the expression was gonna be “cut me off”. But while listening the episode, I realized you meant something more specific.
It’s not like “Um caminhão entrou na minha frente”, but more like “Um caminhão entrou na rodovia na minha frente.” Am I correct?
Because the truck could’ve got in front of you just by changing lanes, for example, and, in that case, you wouldn’t say it “pulled out in front of you”, right?
Grande abraço!
It can be boths ways, actually. You can use it for any situation where the truck (in this example) is going slower, and you are going faster, and the truck pulls out in front of you.
But you are right to think of the truck pulling out onto the highway in front of you, because that is the idea.
Got it! Thanks for the reply!
It Drive in chaotic transit is very common pull out by cat or other kind of vehicles. Drivers need to pay attention all time.
Gotta pay attention!
I was driving along Sernambetiba when a bike pulled out in front of me.
That was dangerous!
I was driving along BR 116 when a horse pulled over in front of me.
Horses along the highway can be very dangerous!
In this case, I might say that the horse ran out into the road. (We usually use “pull out” for vehicles, although, as I said, the origin seems to be a wagon.)
How about “cut me off”? What would that be in Portuguese?
I believe it means “me cortou” in Portuguese.
Me cortou.