É brincadeira. Eu não sei se o Dória vai usar máscara hoje ou não. Mas queria chamar a sua atenção para lhe ensinar, e ajudar a lembrar, a dizer “menos (alguém)”, “exceto (alguém)” em inglês no mini-podcast de hoje.
Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2019 e 2020 CLIQUE AQUI
Everyone but Dória has to wear a mask today.
…that would not take you but a few minutes to fix or finish or to deal with.
I want to walk, but it’s raining.
Everyone but Dória has to wear a mask today.
Everyone has to wear a mask tomorrow, but Dória.
Everyone but __________ has to _________.
Everybody but me has to write a sentence on the site.
Complete one of these sentences in the comments section below.
Everyone but _______________ has to _________________________________ .
Hi Tim,
All chief of states have to wear a mask, but ordinary people.
See you around,
One more, thank you for your tips.
Thank you, Vera. Always good to see you here!
Ali the neighbors but I to go out to streets.
Everyone is there at office but me. I hope to join all my coworkers as soon as I can.
We never thought we would miss going to work! ‘:-D
Everybody but he has to clean the house.
What a freeloader! 😀
Everyone but me has to work today.
Lucky you!
Everyone but me has to watch the news today.
I stay away from the news these days!
Everyone but me has to make a dinner.
They will call you when it’s time to eat! 😀
Everybody has gotten money helps of governament, but me.
is it correct?
Everyone has gotten assistance/help from the government, but me.
Everyone has to stay home every day, but me, because I have to work same days
Where do you work?
Everybody does businnes and makes money but you . That’s all we need !!!!!!!!!!!
You go “Everybody lies but me”, and I go “No wonder”.
Hehe! You used all the expressions there! Good job! 😀
I just stopped by to check in on and say thank you !!!!!
I like putting into practice everything that I have been learning from you. Do I ever !
I have no words to thank you, and rightly so.
* to check in on you….
Everybody kind of forced stay home, but whom need to work. That’s all only because corona virus.
What a situation!
we’re all should to learning english, but Tim Barrett not, he’ is our teacher
We never stop learning! 😀
Everyone was happy, but my grandmother.
That’s too bad. Is she loanly?
Everyone loves Firepop but Tim and Coby,
You’ve been studying your phrasal verbs! 😀
That’s true. Doria doesn’t wear mask.
Listen to you is a song for my ears. Imagine, we studying chinese.
English is much easier! 😀
Everyone but doctors and nurses can stay home with their families.
We need them working in the hospitals!
I want to eat chocolate cake, but it is very caloric.
Tell me about it! `:-)
Everyone but me likes to sleep. I don’t know why
I’m not a great fan of sleeping, either.
Hey tim! How you doing?
Everyone but me likes the caffee.
Are you a tea drinker?
Nope Tachear :/
Evryone but him has to run a long time today.
When she left her house eveyone cried but you
Why is that? Were you happy to see her go? 🙂
Everyone but visitors has to clean the dishes at home.
Good rule! 😀
Another expresion that I read and also trougth estranger
” easy for no one ” = fácil para ninguém
Yes, that’s right.
😉 thumbs up
Everybody but I need to control the feeding.
And I need to control my eating! `:-)
All my childhood friends are married but me… thank God! hahaha Just kidding! 🙂
Don’t speak too soon! haha
Everyone but he has to clear home
Everyone but he has to dead
Everyone in the college but me got a job.
Everyone but you send me a birthday´s gift.