Estávamos observando os pandas no zoológico aqui em Washington, D.C. e eu vi uma placa que dizia: Please don’t linger if other people are waiting. Você sabe o que significa o verbo linger em inglês? Vamos falar sobre isso no mini-podcast de hoje. Afinal, você não quer ser mal educado ao visitar o museu aqui. 😉


We want everyone to enjoy the giant pandas. Please don’t linger if other people are waiting.

I’m so embarrassed.

I linger over breakfast and the newspaper.

If you can linger, we can play a few games.

I could linger on.

Don’t linger.

I like to linger at parties to get to know people better.

You can linger on our site.

I like to linger at _________ to __________________ .


Let’s practice today’s verb in the comments section below! 

I like to linger at ___________ to ____________ .


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