Eu jantei na casa do meu irmão anteontem. Você sabe dizer anteontem em inglês? Vamos aprender no mini-podcast de hoje, pois emprega a palavra #96 das 100 palavras mais usadas em inglês.


I had dinner at my brother’s house the day before yesterday.

Women generally burn about 2,000 calories a day.

the other day.
I saw John the other day.

the day after tomorrow
We’re leaving for New York the day after tomorrow.

I had dinner at my brother’s house the day before yesterday.

I saw John the day before yesterday.

I studied English the day before yesterday.

What did you do the day before yesterday?

VOLUME 1             VOLUME 2
Clique AQUI            Clique AQUI


What did you do the day before yesterday? Tell us about it in the comments section below.

I _____________________ the day before yesterday.


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