Acabei de gravar o episódio #391, onde ensino o phrasal verb sink in, e estava arrumando a sala e ouvindo um podcast. E qual não foi a minha surpresa quando ouvi o podcaster usar o phrasal verb que eu tinha acabado de esinar! Resolvi então compatilhar com você aqui. (Se você não ouviu ainda, ouça o episódio anterior primeiro.)

Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2019 e 2020 CLIQUE AQUI


All right… My favorite story of the day: (Well, I’ve got a few favorite stories) Did you see that we’ve, uh… we put life on the moon. Apparently, we recently – we, meaning people who have space ships – put these little things called tardigrades… Have you ever seen these? These are microscopic. We put some of these that were dehydrated and flown to the moon. So that we may have actually – well, we did! – actually, we put life on the moon!

But what kind of life did we pick? We picked the only creature in the world whose mouth and face and ass look exactly the same. This is a creature so dumb that when it eats, the only way it can tell if it’s shoving food in its mouth or its ass is by looking at which way its toenails are pointing. That’s it! Otherwise, its mouth and its ass are the same.

And so I said to myself. Huh! I did not know that nature had a creature that can talk about politics on Twitter.

I’ll let that sink in a little bit.



com BÔNUS ESPECIAL até 10/08/2019
(Charlie Brown and the Pilgrims)


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Já caiu a ficha que você vai ser pai novamente? | Inglês Todos os Dias #391


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