A palavra #83 das 100 palavras mais usadas em inglês é o advérbio HOW (Como), mas você sabia que precisa dessa palavra para dizer…

  • Com que frequência…?
  • Quanto custa?
  • Quantos anos você tem?
  • Quanto tempo…?
  • Qual é o tamanho…?
  • Qual é a distância…?
  • Quantos…?

Entre outras perguntas! Vamos falar sobre isso no mini-podcast de hoje!


How often do you study English?


How are you?

How do you open this?

You study English.
Do you study English?
How often do you study English?

How big is you living room?
How many kids do you have?
How long have you studied English?
How far is your house from here?
How big is your house?
How old are you?

how big
how long
how far
how much
how many
how often

How often do you ___________________________ ?

Tim, how often do you watch TV?

How often do you study English?



Complete this question in the comments section below.

How often do you ___________________________ ?


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