Como foi a conversa com o pai da moça? Você saberia fazer esta pergunta em inglês? Ouça o mini-podcast para aprender esta estrutura importante!

Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2017 e 2018 CLIQUE AQUI


How’d the talk go?

I was
You were
He was
She was
It was

How was the meeting?

go – went

I went to the beach.

Did you go to the beach?

How did the meeting go?

How did the talk go?

How did the trip go?

How did it go?

How’d it go?

How’d the meeting go?

How’d the meeting with your boss go?

How did _________ go?

How did your class go?

How did your first class go?

How did the rehearsal go?

How’d the rehearsal go?


Complete the question in the comments section below. 

How did _______________ go? [ou How’d _______________ go?]


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