O jogador Willian correspondeu às expectativas e fez jus ao nome foguetinho no jogo contra o México ontem. Estas duas frase, “corresponder às expectativas” e “fazer jus” podem ser expressadas em inglês com um só phrasal verb. Vamos conversar sobre isso no mini-podcast de hoje.

Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2017 e 2018 CLIQUE AQUI


Willian lived up to his nickname of “Little Rocket” yesterday in the game against Mexico. Good job!

live up to

John never managed to live up to his father’s expectations.

Did the trip live up to your expectations?

The hotel we picked out from an Internet site didn’t live up to our expectations.


So-and-so lived up to his fame as a slacker.

The book didn’t live up to all the hype.

It’s hard to live up to the same level of success that my dad had.

People call me ______________ , and I try to live up to my nickname.

People say I am ______________ , and I try to live up to their expectations.

I say you are a good student, and I hope you live up to my expectations!




Vamos praticar o phrasal verb de hoje setor de comentários abaixo. Complete a frase:

People call me ____________, and I try to live up to my nickname.

People say I am ____________, and I try to live up to their expectations.


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