O meu aluno estava reclamando de estar em quarentena – tentando trabalhar de casa, cuidar dos filhos, ajudar na limpeza, etc. E eu brinquei e disse: Dá para notar / perceber que você está estressado. 🙂 Como você diria isso em inglês? Vamos aprender a dizer isso no mini-podcast de hoje.
Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2019 e 2020 CLIQUE AQUI
I can tell you’re a little stressed out.
tell a story
tell a lie
I can never tell if he is angry or not.
I can tell
I can’t tell
I can never tell
I can tell you are stressed out.
I can tell when she is lying by her eyes.
tell their right hand from their left
How can you tell the difference between fake news and real news?
How can you tell a fake Rolex from the real Rolex?
He can tell
She can tell
I can tell
I can tell ____________.
I can tell (that) you are bored.
I can tell when my wife is sad.
What can you tell about other people? Tell us about it in the comments section below.
I can tell _____________________________________ .
Unfortunately, I can tell we are still going to have to stay home for a long time
Oh, boy! I hope it is not too long!
People can tell when I am irritated
Tim , can tell and pick up on are synonyms ? Thanks
They are similar, but used a little differently.
Children can tell when we are worried. – This is more direct.
Children pick up on our worries. – This means that, even though you are trying to hide it or not be so obvious, they can tell that something is wrong and “pick up on it”.
Can you tell the difference between the two expressions now?
I can Tell you are great English teacher !!!
Thank you so much
Thank you, Claudia! And I can tell you are a great student!
A can tell when my wife is TPM
Stay away! ‘:-)
I can tell the situation in Brazil will get worse
I can tell everybody worried with this coronavirus.
I can tell she is not the same.
What’s wrong with her? 🙁
I can tell when I’m been bored
I hope you are not bored right now. 🙂
I can tell by your eyes that you’ve probably been cryin’ forever
How sad! 🙁
It’s from the song “I don’t want to talk about it” by Rod Stewart
I thought you would notice =D
Oh, cool! Thanks!
Hi. How can I say It in the past? – Eu percebi que vc estava estressado –
I can tell you were stressed out.
I could tell you were …
Yes, that’s correct. “I could tell you were…”
thank you
I can´t tell that I´m the same, because I´m learning a lot
I can tell you are very busy and tired.
Yes, things are a little hectic right now!
I can tell when I’m sleepy
Same here. I can’t think properly when I’m sleepy.
I can tell you’re engaged to teach english for us
Thank you, Priscila. I enjoy teaching!
I can tell people freaked out when they are scared!!
I can tell you are hungry, now!
I am! 😀
I can tell you’re very worry about last news.
And for good reason!
I can tell you the home office not cut out for me.
I’m used to it, actually.
I can tell when my wife is at PMS
Just say out of her way! 🙂
I can tell we are lost with all news about coronavirus. I can tell there are many peoples worried because they are at home.
That’s the impression I am getting, too! ‘:-)
I can tell I’m gaining weight during quarantine.
Tell me about it! ‘:-)
I’m nervous and eating more than usual…LoL
I can tell by her eyes, when my wife is angry.
Stay away! 😀
I can tell you are working hard looking your face.
I am! 🙂
I can tell when I’m hugry
My stomach tells me. 🙂
I can tell when my students are bored.
What do you do then? Change the activity?
William (can) Tell if you got this little joke.
You are making *overtures* of humor and friendliness with this joke. 😀
I can tell you are happy
I am! Thank you!
I can tell when my mother is angry!
Do you stay away from her when she is? 🙂
I can tell you are trying to make the best of lockdown.
We’re doing our best.
“I can tell by your eyes that you’ve prob’bly been cryin’ forever”
Hi Tim 🙂
I can tell when the people are stressed out.
Yes, people usually show it by the way they act.
I can tell when my wife stressed out
Hi Tim,
I can tell you have gained some weight during this quarantine! Hahaha. I guess everybody has!
Please, I have two questions:
* Does “stressed” have T sound?
* What does “stressed up” mean? I’ve heard this expression, even about this book “All Stressed Up, and Nowhere to Go!” but I’m not sure if this phrasal verb really exists…
Hey, Cassius! Yep! Guilty as charged! haha
Yes, the -ed in stressed has a /t/ sound.
Are you sure the sentence wasn’t “stressed out and nowhere to go”?
Hi Tim,
Yes, I am.
Check it out: https://books.google.com/books?id=h-gBY3OXzMIC&dq=stress+out+and+nowhere+to+go&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiMpZKS89LqAhVBWK0KHc8kC2sQ6AEIJzAA
Weird, right?
That’s strange. I don’t know why he uses “stressed up”. It’s usually (or always) “stressed out”. Do you think he might explain why in the book?
That’s a good point!
Maybe he’s creating a new word and explaining why in the book. Speaking of which, these days, I heard about “Innovability,” a new concept that puts together Innovation and Sustainability.
Anyway, I’m not going to be stressed out about it!
Yeah, don’t. 🙂
I can tell he is sleepy.
I can tell when my boss is stressed out.