O meu aluno estava reclamando de estar em quarentena – tentando trabalhar de casa, cuidar dos filhos, ajudar na limpeza, etc. E eu brinquei e disse: Dá para notar / perceber que você está estressado. 🙂 Como você diria isso em inglês? Vamos aprender a dizer isso no mini-podcast de hoje.
Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2019 e 2020 CLIQUE AQUI


I can tell you’re a little stressed out.

tell a story
tell a lie

I can never tell if he is angry or not.

I can tell
I can’t tell
I can never tell

I can tell you are stressed out.
I can tell when she is lying by her eyes.

tell their right hand from their left
How can you tell the difference between fake news and real news?
How can you tell a fake Rolex from the real Rolex?

He can tell
She can tell
I can tell

I can tell ____________.

I can tell (that) you are bored.
I can tell when my wife is sad.



What can you tell about other people? Tell us about it in the comments section below.

I can tell _____________________________________ .


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