Hoje vou ensiná-los a falar sobre planos para o futuro.
Quais são meus planos?
Acho que começaremos um canal no YouTube este ano.
Continuarei gravando esses mini podcasts diários. Prometo!
Mas antes de voltar ao trabalho …
Vou viajar com minha família amanhã.

Que forma do futuro você usaria para dizer essas frases em inglês? Be going to? Will? Present Continuous? Ouça o mini-podcast de hoje para descobrir as melhores estruturas para falar sobre planos para o futuro em inglês!
Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2019 e 2020 CLIQUE AQUI


Today I am going to teach you how to talk about plans for the future.
What are my plans?
I think we will start a YouTube channel this year.
I will continue to record these daily mini-podcast. I promise!
But before I get back to work…
I am traveling with my family tomorrow.

be going to
I am going to teach.
I will teach.
I am ____ing.
I am teaching.

rule of thumb

I‘m going to read a book every/a week.
I think I will read a book a week.
I promise I will continue to record.
Before I get back to work…
I’m traveling with my family tomorrow.

We are traveling tomorrow.
We are visiting the aquarium on Friday.

VOLUME 1             VOLUME 2
Clique AQUI            Clique AQUI

What are your plans for this year?

I’m going to send this tip…
I’m sending this tip…

Reveja com usar o “be going to” e “will” AQUI.

We are going to come back next week.
We are coming back next week.

Clique AQUI.       Clique AQUI.


What are you plans for this year? Tell us about them in the comments section below. 

I am going to ________________________________ .
I will _____________________________ .
I am ______ing _______________________ .


Podcast Anterior
Próximo Podcast