O que você entenderia se eu dissesse que alguém tinha uma AGENDA SECRETA para roubar todo o seu dinheiro? Você pensaria que tratava-se de um diário secreto que a pessoa não queria que ninguém lesse? Não é bem isso… Vamos falar sobre mais este “falso cognato”, o que signfica agenda em inglês, no mini-podcast de hoje.

Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2019 e 2020 CLIQUE AQUI


Yes we have the right to say no. And that is something that, you know, they don’t teach you, especially as young girls coming up in the business, too. I always had older managers and things, and agendas and a schedule, like, since I was seven.


Is this on the agenda?
We’ll put this high on the agenda.
Let’s stay focused on our agenda.
political agenda

I didn’t know he had his own agenda.
secret agenda

date book
schedule book
appointment book

I have a full schedule.

She has a secret agenda to steal all you money, so be careful!
He has a secret agenda to learn English quickly before you.

What’s on your schedule today?

_____(Person)_____ has a secret agenda to ____________________ .



Tell us about someone who has a “secret agenda” in the comments section below! 

_____(Person)_____ has a secret agenda to ____________________ .


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