Eu entendo que você está ocupado, mas não deixe de ouvir o mini-podcast de hoje para aprender mais este “falso cognato”. Você irá perceber a importância dele! [Nota: Você poderá usar este verbo no lugar dos dois verbos que usamos aqui: “entender” e “perceber”, depende do contexto.
Todos os Episódios do Mini-Podcast “Inglês Todos os Dias” de 2019 e 2020 CLIQUE AQUI


We looked at our watch, and it was 2 o’clock in the morning! We didn’t realize it was so late.

He realized his dream.
He fulfilled his dream.

We didn’t realize the seriousness.
Suddenly I realized he was talking to me.
I hope you realize the importance of this verb.
I realized he wasn’t here.
I didn’t realize he wasn’t here.

I realize you are busy, but it’s important to practice.

I realized __________________ .

I didn’t realize __________________ .


Tell us about something you realized or didn’t realize in the comments section below! 

I realized _________________________ .

I didn’t realize _______________________ .


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